
Dr. Gary Kompothecras

Dr. Gary Kompothecras's practice always aimed to provide exceptional care to his patients. With the addition of high-tech medical equipment, his team was able to diagnose injuries that traditional physical exams might miss. This was especially beneficial to patients because it helped them avoid settling their claims for soft tissue injuries that didn't inform them about their condition. With the expertise of professionals like orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, and chiropractors, the practice could always deliver the best possible care. Over time, Dr. Gary worked to make his practice more efficient and cost-effective in assisting people injured in car accidents. This change was critical because many patients had no insurance coverage except for the $10,000 in No-Fault benefits attached to their Florida car insurance. Following an accident, patients could finally receive the best care possible, thanks to the help of Dr. Gary's practice.

This accreditation represents the gold standard for excellence in the healthcare industry, including at big hospitals. After speaking with many patients, Dr. Gary discovered that most of them were unaware of the healthcare benefits provided by their car insurance. As a result, many accident victims suffered because they didn't know where to find help. One of Dr. Gary's first patients was an employee who became famous as "ROZ" in TV ads. After receiving care following an accident, she shared her story through a TV campaign. Roz's message, "Don't be scared or confused," resonated with those who knew what it was like to be injured and unsure where to turn. Her story remains popular today because it is honest and authentic, showing how Dr. Gary and his team provide exceptional care to their patients.

1 800 Ask Gary: A Summer Get Together

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